MARINE CONTRACTOR & Licensed Builder
"Customized Installation, Service, & Repair. No One Beats Our Expert Service."

Our seawall installations are legendary. Give us a call today. Take advantage of our years of experience to get your seawall done right the first time so that it stands the test of time.
“We are experts in
installing and maintaining your seawalls and seawall ladders. We have a huge selection of ladders
in stock.
“Let us at Great Lakes Docks & Decks design and install exactly what
you need.”
Call Capt. Wally at
(586) 725-0009

Steel & Vinyl Seawalls
When it comes to seawalls, you want something that will last a few lifetimes. We recommend steel or vinyl seawalls and are experienced in installing both. We can replace or in some cases repair an existing seawall. Have us come take a look at your project!
“We are experts in installing and maintaining your seawalls and seawall ladders. We have a huge selection of ladders in stock. Call me today and we will get you fixed right up.”
-Capt. Wally
Steel Seawalls

We may be able to fix the problem area without redoing the entire seawall!

Record high water levels and water wakes prompt concerns for waterfront communities. With water levels predicted to continue to rise, we now offer products and services that provide waterfront homeowners with options to mitigate high water. Whether you choose to purchase the Wave Deflection Brackets to install your own splash guards to deflect waves from overtopping your existing seawall or have us professionally install splash guards onto existing seawalls, we have what you need to protect your home and property from the damages and consequences caused by high water levels.
“We professionally install splash guards & wave deflectors to protect your home and property from damaging high water levels. Call me today and to see what we can do for you.”
-Capt. Wally